Our Performance 2024

Revenue Breakdown

Total Assets

Million Baht

Total Revenues

Million Baht

NET Profit

Million Baht

Financial Data

Unit: Million Thai Baht or as otherwise indicated

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Balance Sheet
Total assets 814.63 919.11 1,085.14 1,228.09 1,252.60
Total liabilities 601.79 652.29 316.59 437.59 438.87
Issued and paid-up share capital 110.00 110.00 157.00 157.00 157.00
Shareholders’ equity 212.85 265.48 761.00 779.85 802.14
Statement of Income
Total revenues 1,783.71 1,986.07 2,219.68 2,426.93 2,374.43
Revenue from sales 1,760.34 1,974.75 2,194.42 2,412.40 2,323.61
Costs of sales -1,441.66 -1,627.89 -1,877.47 -2,079.60 1,977.87
Gross Profit 318.68 346.87 316.95 332.80 345.74
Profit before financial cost and income tax expense 82.21 96.54 82.03 68.29 94.84
Net profit 62.23 72.41 55.92 50.71 65.04
Earning per share (Baht) (1) 7.09 0.33 0.20 0.16 0.21
Financial Ratio
Gross profit (%) 18.10% 17.57% 14.44% 13.80% 14.88%
Operating profit (%) 3.21% 4.29% 3.70% 2.81% 3.99%
Net profit margin (%) 3.05% 3.45% 2.69% 2.18% 3.02%
Return on equity (ROE) (%) 28.57% 27.27% 10.89% 6.58% 8.22%
Return on asset (ROA) (%) 6.38% 10.50% 8.19% 5.90% 7.65%
Debt to equity ratio (Times) 2.83 2.44 0.41 0.55 0.54
Current Ratio (Times) 1.13 1.19 2.79 2.41 2.42


  1. Calculated from profit for the year divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares during the year, which is 8.00 million shares for the period 31 December 2018 - 2019, 8.89 million shares for the 31 December 2020, and 220.00 million shares for the 9-month period ended 30 June 2021.
  2. Calculated from profit for the year divided by the number of ordinary shares after the initial public offering (Fully diluted), which is 314.00 million shares